Well, for this trip, I have not planned, nor am I prepared. I guess it's time to fly out on a wing and a prayer, but I'm all out of prayers.
I've been dragging my feet getting ready for this. I think some of it may be due to the fact that I really don't want to leave Ottawa and my comfort zone. Some of it may be due to wanting to stay here with friends and family, and enjoy what time I have with them. What I do know is that I am not afraid of the unknown.
More bike porn:

Almost ready to hit the road. Bald tires, old oil and dirty. Just the way I like it.
I'm not too fond of the tank bag I put on the bike. seems the straps are too short or something. I'll ride with it like this for a bit, and maybe change it around while on the road.
This is what people will see when following me.
I am looking forward to meet people along the way, so if you're reading this and you wouldn't mind me popping in for a beer or coffee, send me an email or something and let me know. It's not the scenery that make a trip like this worthwhile, but the different people and situations along the way.
I almost had a panic attack last night trying to find all my tools that I will be bringing, knowing I'm missing some tools, and not knowing what I have to bring. Then I thought... who cares? This is an adventure bike. I'm out here to have an adventure. What better way to thrust yourself into adventure?
One definition of adventure is: "An adventure is an activity that is perceived to involve risk, danger or exciting experiences."
By not bringing all the gear, I introduce a slight risk. By being undecided on where exactly I will be in the next 6 week, I usher in excitement. Danger is ever present when riding alone... across country... on a bike.
I've thought out all the possible scenarios in my head, from bad to worse. From a broken bike, to death... I've thought it mostly through.
Whatever happens, happens and I'm OK with that.
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